Onigiri bento box (Urethane coated)

¥6 000

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It’s the perfect size for a rice ball holder, and the urethane coating makes it stain-resistant and easy to clean. It can be used for things other than rice ball containers.

Material: Cedar (unpainted), Urethane

About Magewappa

Magewappa is a curved object made by bending straight-grained boards such as cedar or cypress and sewing them together with cherry blossom skin, without using any metal. It is said that the origins date back to ancient times, when wooden boxes were made to store the robes of Emperor Ojin, but over the course of 400 years, they have evolved from general ceremonial use to everyday items such as rice bowls, sushi buckets, bento boxes, and tea utensils. It is a wooden craft.

*As each piece is handmade by a craftsman
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