Handcrafted hango (bento lunch box)

¥15 000¥16 000

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Handcrafted hango (lunchbox)

■ Material: Cedar (unpainted)
■ Binding: Sewing Japanese cherry tree bark

2 sizes for the moment
Small size: 180 x 112 x 50mm
Medium size: 188 × 125 × 50mm

SKU: N/A Category:


Material: Cedar (unpainted)
Binding: Sewing Japanese cherry tree bark


2 sizes for the moment. Big size will be available soon.
Small size: 180 x 112 x 50mm
Medium size: 188 × 125 × 50mm

The form allows you to enjoy the beauty of cedar wood grain. Since it doesn’t contain any metal, it will last a long time if you take good care of it, and it’s also very light.

About Magewappa

Magewappa is a curved object made by bending straight-grained boards such as cedar or cypress and sewing them together with japanese cherry bark, without using any metal. It is said that the origins date back to ancient times, when wooden boxes were made to store the robes of Emperor Ojin, but over the course of 400 years, they have evolved from general ceremonial use to everyday items such as rice bowls, sushi buckets, bento boxes, and tea utensils. It is a wooden craft.

*As each piece is handmade by a craftsman
It will take approximately one month for delivery.
There may be delays depending on the season. Thank you for your understanding.

Before using it for the first time

To remove the lye contained in the cedar, pour hot water (approximately 80 degrees Celsius) over the lid and body and leave for 2 to 3 minutes. Discard the hot water and dry thoroughly before use. Leaving it in hot water for a long time may cause stains. Please be careful when handling hot water to avoid getting burned.

Regarding care

Precautions for use

● After use, please wash with lukewarm water. Wipe off moisture with a cloth and dry thoroughly.
(Please avoid leaving it in water or hot water for a long time.)

● Before storing in the cupboard, dry it completely to prevent mold and prolong its texture.

● If there is oil stains, please use diluted neutral detergent.
Please avoid using microwave ovens, dishwashers, soaking for long periods of time, and using bleach, baking soda, and
metal scrubbers. Doing so may damage the product and cause mold.

● Avoid storing in direct sunlight or near fire.

● Please note that there may be slight variations in the product as it is manufactured and finished by hand by craftsmen.

Additional information

